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Pokémon Fan Art
Sneasel Plushie!
Sneasel Plushie!

Hoppip: Drifting On Winds Of Change

Hoppip: Drifting On Winds Of Change
Full Image Size 1024x768, 279KB

Artist's Comments
The estimated time it took to do this picture probably seems impossible. Well, that's because it is. I made the Hoppip model and left it sitting around awhile, not sure what to do for its background. Finally I decided to use the mine entrance in the mountainside, a 3D scene I had created a few years earlier (for a project that never saw completion) and probably took 30+ hours. It seemed to work well with Hoppip, and the fact that it was sort of like mixing a past and present project inspired me to choose the title that I did.

Style: 3D Modeled | Gallery: Quality Scenes | Completed 2006/08/06 | Time Spent: 4 Hours
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