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Pokémon Fan Art
Sneasel Plushie!
Sneasel Plushie!

MS Paint Quickies (B)

MS Paint Quickies (B)
Full Image Size 600x450, 18KB

Artist's Comments
I wouldn't classify MS Paint drawings as Digital Brush, but I don't have a gallery that suits them better, so here it sits. Anyway, continuing my practice at being faster at artwork after MS Paint Quickies (A), I whipped up this Bulbasaur in 7 minutes. IIRC, I was talking with a friend over messenger at the time and showed them. They said Bulbasaur looked too good to be considered a quickie, so I moved on to super speed drawings of a whole bunch of Pokémon in MS Paint Quickies (C)

Style: Digital Brush | Gallery: Quick, Rough, Odd | Completed 2005/09/15 | Time Spent: 7 Minutes
The Cave of Dragonflies
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