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Pokémon Fan Art
Sneasel Plushie!
Sneasel Plushie!

~Ice Cave Calamity~

Vulpix By My Side
     Before they had gone much further, Tamaro had to pull out his flash light. The beam swayed back and forth until he spotted something move. He focused the light on it and found it was a Pokémon.

     "Hey, a Swinub!" he exclaimed. He knew so many Pokémon by sight, even if he had never seen them before. He didn't use a Pokédex like most trainers, because he wanted to have the joy of discovery on his own. Studying was a substantial part of his daily routine.

     The little Swinub was not shy at all. First it came and sniffed Vulpix, then Tamaro. He kneeled down to stroke its fur and get a closer look at it.

     "You're bold for one so small, but what are you doing in here?" It quickly occurred to him that Swinub was an Ice type as well as a Ground type. "So you must live here..." he paused, "and you look very young." Sure enough it was only moments later that the Swinub's little brothers and sisters showed up, each eager to meet their first human, and their first Vulpix for that matter.

     As Tamaro kneeled petting the little group, something felt strange about the whole thing. Vulpix let out a low growl. He then realized that these young Swinub would not be far from a protective mother. Vulpix had apparently picked up the scent.

     "Is it their mother, girl?" Vulpix gave a nod in the flash light's beam, confirming his thoughts. Next came the heavy and thick thudding of a charging Pokémon. In the darkness and with the echoes of the cave, it was impossible to determine from which way the Pokémon was coming.

     He had to think fast. Two thoughts came to his mind; Grab Vulpix and move fast, or pick up one of the Swinubs in hopes that the mother would not tackle him. He quickly reasoned that the second option was too risky. It might get the young one hurt, and probably would make the mother even more angry with him. Thus he snatched up Vulpix in his arms and gave himself a quick push that sent him feet first along the cave's slick floor.

     His move was just in time as the charging Pokémon flew past him with tremendous force. When his sliding came to a halt he aimed the flash light behind him. Just as he thought, a very large Piloswine was turning to position itself for another attack.

     "Okay Vulpix, looks like it still wants to go at it so we're in for a battle." Tamaro said, getting himself and Vulpix stoked up for an unexpected rumble.
     "VUL-PIX!!" She answered with a "ready to battle" tone.
     "But take it easy on this one, it's still got to take care of its children, plus your Fire is going to count double against its Ice!"
     "Vul!" and with that she sped toward the Piloswine which was starting its next run.

     "Vulpix, Ember now! We'll start small and see what this Piloswine can handle!" Vulpix let out its Ember attack, lighting the cave for a moment and striking the Piloswine head on. Piloswine's Ground type more than offset the attack's overall effectiveness and the angry Pokémon kept charging. Vulpix dodged it swiftly as it was very skilled at doing. The Piloswine was now heading straight toward Tamaro, but he did not panic. Though the beam of the flash light provided all but a little light coming in from the distant cave entrance, Tamaro knew well that somewhere in the darkness Vulpix was there. Waiting just long enough he shouted out.
     "Okay Vulpix, Flamethrower time!" Out of the black came a great fire burst. Piloswine was engulfed in flame and quickly lost all will to battle. "Maybe we should have taken it easier," he said regrettably as he looked at the poor Piloswine laying there totally stunned. The way it had taken the Ember attack without being phased made him rush to use a far stronger attack in a tense situation, but Vulpix's Flamethrower was overkill.

     Quickly he pulled out some Super Potion to treat the Piloswine, and then he and Vulpix quickly got moving again before it regained its strength once more.

The Cave of Dragonflies
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