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Pokémon Fan Art
Sneasel Plushie!
Sneasel Plushie!

Seasonal Sawsbuck (Spring)

Seasonal Sawsbuck (Spring)
Full Image Size 1024x768, 319KB

Artist's Comments
For my friend Splash, a Sawsbuck fanatic! She didn't ask for all its variations, but I decided it would be more fun for her and for me to make a picture that could be adapted to all four seasons. I have regrets about the pose, but goodness knows I tried many different takes, more dynamic and not so similar to the official artwork. Alas, this was the only thing that seemed to work well for the surrounding scene I wanted to create. The summer and winter versions turned out the best, I think.

Style: Digital Brush | Gallery: General | Completed 2012/02/07 | Time Spent: 12 Hours (all 4 seasons)
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