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Pokémon Fan Art
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Sneasel Plushie!

Archives for 2019

Art That's For The Birds


Nothing special, just a good old-fashioned Pidgeot.


Twenty Years! (Again)


Last month we hit the 20-year mark since my younger brother and I first watched the Pokémon anime series. So we watched a few episodes in honor, the first we've watched in well over a decade. Boy, was it nostalgic. I sure do miss the 90's... Anyway, today's new artwork has nothing to do with that occasion, other than it put me a little more in the mood to scrape together time and chip away at a new piece. Enjoy!


Twenty Years!


Hard to believe it was 20 years ago tonight that I got my Red Version and set out on a Pokémon adventure that's still ongoing. I may not dig what they've done to the franchise in recent generations, but my love for the earlier games remains strong and I continue to play them regularly, ever training more pocket monsters to their max potential across various versions.


I thought it would be cool to celebrate this occasion with a string of artwork, but as often happens, I never found the time for more than one piece, Paras. But, he was selected special for the occasion. He may not be the most exciting design, but I always liked his little mobile mushroom garden, and I remember back in my first day of playing Red that (starter aside) he was my favorite of those I caught early on.

The Cave of Dragonflies
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